SJBP @ the Rose, White, and Blue Parade!

When: Jul 04 2024 8:00AM – 11:00AM

Where: Lincoln High School

Who: San Jose Bike Party

Join San Jose Bike Party on Thursday, July 4th in The Rose, White, and Blue Parade!

We’ll meet up on the grass in front of Lincoln High School starting around 8:00AM. Bike Decoration Station will be open from 8am-9am.

Everyone needs to be in place at our starting location* by 9am – and ready to patiently wait for the parade to roll out around 9:45am.

*SJBP/GiDM are Parade Contingent #3

Bikes located on lawn in front of Lincoln High School (decorations provided by SHPNA)

Contingents 1-34 enter via Dana Ave & Shasta Ave (Entrance #3)


Important things to note:

THIS IS A PARADE. They are super fun – but be ready to stop a lot, wait and roll very slowly. EXTRA PATIENCE REQUIRED.

Bring sunscreen, water, and snacks.

This is a great opportunity to bring your kids to bike party if they have the patience level for a lot of waiting/idle time before and also during the event.

Please arrive early enough to find parking as needed and get yourselves saddled up. Remember that the starting point (Dana/Shasta) and the ending point (Race/Alameda)are not the same location. Be prepared for street closures!

If you are sans kiddos – consider parking in a centralized location and ride over to the high school; or take transit; or ride from home.

(Parade Route Map w/closures is posted in the Discussion!)

Costumes and Decorations are always optional – but always fun! There is a free bike decoration station at our meet up location on the front lawn at Lincoln HS – arrive early to decorate.

Please check your bikes, scooters, skates, boards, and unicycles ahead of time; and bring tubes/pumps/tools to support yourself as needed.

Ride Leader: Jarek

Music Bikes include Tiffany (James); The Professor (Doc); and Ghost (Jarek) courtesy of @GiDMM Guerillaz in Da Mixx Music Bike Consortium

Start: Lincoln High School (Dana/Shasta)

End: Rose, White, and Blue Party

@ Westminster Presbyterian (The Alameda/Race)

After the parade, there is the fesitval. Details located here:

Rose, White, and Blue Parade Official FB Event:

**FYI: There will be a Groovin’ Ride in the early afternoon following the parade with a casual yet faster than a parade pace (10mph+) likely heading towards the downtown area. Watch for a post in the comments will details or stick with the music bikes after the parade ends.