SJBP presents 4th Annual Bike the Limits – Sat May 11th

This year’s century route will test not only distance, but climbing limits. Expect rolling hills and moderate climbing, but nothing too crazy. The steepest sections are 7% grade maximum.


Century (100 mi):

Metric Century (100 km, 66 mi):

Preparation Tips…

Build up your mileage slowly. Join us on test rides for any of our rides if you don’t have a group to ride with. Ride to and from the test rides to add mileage. If you can do 120 miles in a week with 65 miles being on one day, you can do a century. Ride the bike you will be riding on the century. Try out different foods/drinks to find out what you like. You may like a certain flavor energy bar, but it may taste different after you’ve had the same flavor 5 times in the last 5 hours. Eat something with protein within 2 hours of your rides.

The third person to finish the first Bike the Limits ride rode a single speed cruiser. It’s not what you ride, but that you are comfortable riding it. Make sure you are comfortable on your bike for extended periods of time. There are no offroad sections, so buy a set of road (smooth) tires for your bike. Get your bike tuned a month before the ride to be able to iron out any problems that may arise. Don’t make any changes on your bike for the 2 weeks before the ride. Make sure your tires are inflated at least two days before the ride (ideally the morning of the ride).

If you have gears, use ‘em! Starting from a standstill takes a lot of energy and strains muscles. Use your easy gears and gradually build up your speed from lights.

Food before the ride:
Eat till you’re satisfied the night before (not too much fat). A light breakfast is recommended.

Food during the ride:
You will be burning about 500 calories/hr. Consume about 200-250 calories/hour every hour. Your body can only digest about 250 calories/hr when you’re exercising so any more than that and the food will sit in your stomach. 200-250 is about 2 granola bars (one pack), 2 kudos bars, 1 energy bar/hour. Eat something with protein (3-4 grams/hour). Pack a lunch or figure out somewhere on the route where you can stop to eat. Things that are salty will taste really good. Most of you will be biking for at least 6 hours + lunch.

16 oz of fluid an hour. More if it’s really hot.

salt: about 300-500mg/hour (most food will have enough salt)
potassium: 100mg/hour

Stuff to bring:
sunblock, sunglasses, something to keep the sun off your head (hat/helmet), tools you know how to use, patch kit/spare tube, device to inflate your tires, credit card, ID, some cash, camera, cell phone, map, lights